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Making Sure Independent Practices Have a Seat at the Table
Blog Matt Eirich Blog Matt Eirich

Making Sure Independent Practices Have a Seat at the Table

“You’re either at the table or on the menu.”

This is how the CEO of a large independent medical group described his current view of the dynamics in the market during a recent meeting. His sense of strategic urgency surprised me—his group is one of the larger independent groups in the region. If he was feeling uncertain about his place in the care delivery landscape, how must smaller groups with lesser resources be feeling?

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Independent Physicians Are Facing Complex Choices
Blog Paul Hain, MD, FAAP Blog Paul Hain, MD, FAAP

Independent Physicians Are Facing Complex Choices

As healthcare shifts to a value mindset, independently owned practices - especially in primary care - are fielding more inquiries from potential partners, suitors and service providers wanting to do business with the state’s remaining independents.

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